Why Is The Right School So Hard To Find?

Why Is The Right School So Hard To Find?

When we explained that we had decided to homeschool for now, we were surprised to learn how many families had some of the same concerns and disappointments with their schools. Some of these reasons included lack of diversity, restrictive learning environments, indoctrinating instead of teaching, rote learning and teaching to the test. Some shared very detailed stories of the personal challenges their children were facing trying to fit into a rigid learning model that just did not take into account their personal learning needs. While their concerns and disappointments varied, they all had one thing in common. They felt they had no great options.

Hearing these stories time and time again struck a chord with me. Why were there so few “alternative” education options for families? Why was the traditional “factory-style” education model still the most used but yet the least effective education model being practiced in public schools?

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